3rd December, 2014
Comments Closed


The next few weeks at Zion Baptist Church look set to be very busy ones as we

prepare for Christmas and the weeks leading up to it. You are very welcome to

come along to any of the events taking place at Zion – we’d love to see you.

Among those things planned are: an Arty Crafty Advent special for children, young

people and their families at 4 – 5pm in the Church Hall on Sunday 7th December.

From 1st December we’ll be running a special Advent Calendar on

Facebook and Twitter. Please find our Zion page on Facebook and, if you

like, ‘share’ the calendar of Bible verses and carols and songs with your

friends. Also if you’re on Twitter you can ‘follow’ Zion and retweet our calendar

on there instead.

Also, as part of the Good News partnership, there’s an open-air

carol singing event being held in Fore Street Trowbridge on Saturday

20th December at 11.30am.


Our Carols By Candlelight event is being held on Sunday 21st

December. We’d like to invite you to this event which begins at 6.30pm

and involves carols, readings and songs from our various groups.

And finally, there is – as always – a Christmas morning service at

Zion which is at 10am.

May this time of Advent and Christmas be a blessing to all of us.


Our Location

Zion Baptist Church
Union Street
Trowbridge BA14 8RU

Tel: 01225 752383

Church Services

Sundays – 10.30am & 6.00pm

Social Networks