What We Believe
This church adheres to and supports the articles of faith called,
We Believe — Strict Baptist Affirmation of Faith 1966.
Listed below is an outline of the scriptural beliefs to which this church specifically holds.
(This outline is based largely on that produced by Spring Meadow Baptist Chapel, Cradley Heath;
to whom we render due acknowledgement and gratitude.)
1. The Bible
This is the supreme authority and rule for faith and conduct.
2Tim 3: 16
2Pet 1: 19-21
2. The Trinity
God is a Trinity – three persons in one and one in three; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All these are each God, perfectly united with one another and equal, while having individuality of personality.
Matt 3: 16
3. Sin
All are sinners. We are all guilty of original sin inherited from Adam and of our own personal sins.
Eph 2: 1-5
4. Jesus saves
Jesus saves all those who believe in him, those for whom he died at Calvary. Salvation is by grace only, by means of one complete and sufficient sacrifice made by Christ. Hence, God has a covenant of grace with his people.
Heb 10: 5-10
There is only one way to the Father.
John 14: 6
5. New birth
This is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in a sinner’s heart, producing a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit brings us by adoption into God’s family, equips us for sanctification and justification and gives us power for service.
John 3: 7
John 14: 26
6. Autonomy of the local church
The church is autonomous under God. It is made up of covenanted believers who agree in doctrine, are baptised, are in fellowship together, are together in prayer and worship, are in mutual service and evangelism; being together under the ministry of the Word and under discipline.
Matt 16: 18
Matt 18: 15-20
7. Preaching the Gospel
The Gospel is to be preached to every person (as with all the Word of God).
2Tim 4: 2
8. Baptism and Communion
Baptism is the immersion of the whole body in water following a confession of faith in the Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Matt 28: 19
The Communion or Lord’s Supper is the breaking of bread and drinking of the fruit of the vine in remembrance of the Lord Jesus’ death. The Lord’s Supper is open only to baptised believers.
1Cor 11: 26
9. Second Coming of the Lord Jesus
The Lord Jesus will come again personally to this earth. No one knows this time except God the Father and believers are to be ready always.
1Thes 4: 13-18
10. Life after death
Death is not the end. The body and soul separate at death until the resurrection day. The soul goes either to heaven to be in perfect happiness or to hell for eternity. There is no intermediate state.
2Cor 5: 1-8
2Pet 2: 9